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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What to Pack in Hospital and Diaper Bags!

There are tons of blog posts on what to pack when you're expecting in order to prepare for delivery time so here's my take on it! Just keep in mind that not all hospitals and people are the same so you may not actually need to take some of these items but need to pack other things not on the list.

Hospital bag:

Things I packed and needed:
     For me:
     - Chapstick (hospitals with dry you out!)
     - Phone/camera/tablets and charger (of course)
     - Glasses and case
     - Toiletries (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, styling product, toothbrush, and tooth paste. I used a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner and took my mousse but didn't use it and didn't bother taking my hair dryer)
     - Hair ties (this includes any clips or head bands too)
     - Nursing bras (I wore one in and brought a 2nd one, even if you don't plan on breastfeeding you'll want something comfy but supportive such as a sports bra or a camisole w/ built in bra)
     - Going home outfit (I just wore home what I'd worn when I came in, maternity clothes are the good type of comfy that you want/need when leaving, plus I literally just wore it for my doctor appt the morning of and then the car ride home so it was still clean!)
     - Boppy pillow (these pillows are lifesavers, seriously, breast or bottle feeding or just for support while holding the baby while he's sleeping, just amazing.. your arms and back will thank you! ... also, if you have a c section, it is good to use to hold against your incision site if you have to cough, sneeze, or even laugh, a folded up blanket works just as well for that though)
     - Baby book (is best to fill out while everything is fresh in your memory!)
     For your husband/SO/whoever is staying with you:
     - Extra clothes (extra changes of underwear and socks, and comfy clothes such as loose shirts and sweats or shorts)
     - Entertainment  (phone/tablet and charger, DVDs (our in room tv had a built in DVD player which was a lifesaver for him bc his tablet wouldn't connect to the hospital's WiFi), sudoku/crosswords, you're going to be sleeping and resting a lot so he'll be doing a lot of waiting around)
     - Snacks and money (I packed him some poptarts, slim jims, and a couple canned drinks from home, his dad gave him a roll of quarters and a $10 so he could get meals from the cafeteria or snacks from the machines, our hospital offered to bring a second meal with mine if we requested it for $5)
     - Blanket (the hospital will provide some but they are thin, I kept the ac on so I froze him lol

     For baby:
     - Car seat (of course)
     - Weather appropriate accessories for car seat (in cold: a car seat cover and/or  blankets, in hot: a cover to block sun but make sure it won't over heat the baby)
     - Going home outfit (make sure it is weather appropriate, socks, hat, undershirt, jacket.. don't use a snow suit, the extra padding isn't good in between the baby and seat straps in case of a wreck)

Things I packed or wanted to pack but didn't use:
     - Extra underwear for me (mine were removed upon admission and I wore the hospital ones throughout my stay and when I went home)
     - Sanitary pads for me (again, used the hospitals the entire time)
     - Pacifier for baby (he wouldn't take it)
     - Socks (my feet were so swollen they didn't want me to wear them and I was burning up so I didn't want to wear them anyway lol)
     - Blanket (the thin hospital ones were my friend, it was way too hot for me to want a thicker one)
     - Pillow (the hospital ones were just fine for me)
     - Towel (the hospital ones weren't luxurious by any means but there's bound to be some blood or other fluids that will get on them so it's nice not to have to bother with them)
     - Nightgowns (again, there's gonna be blood or other fluids so it's nice to not have to worry about cleaning your own and just use the hospital gowns)

Diaper Bag: (for a 0-1 month old who only breastfeeds, I'm not gonna pretend to know what a formula-fed baby would need at this point!)
     - Diapers and wipes (obviously lol but make sure you have enough diapers for 1 per hour that you'll be gone, plus 1 or 2 extras, your new motto should be "better safe than sorry!")
     - Extra clothes (1 or 2 full outfits, again better safe than sorry! I took mine to his first Dr appt and didn't take extra clothes and of course on the trip there, he peed so much it over flowed his diaper and wet his undershirt, shirt, and pants! My mom ran to the nearest store while I took him into the Dr's office, they had to have him undressed for the checkup anyway so it worked out! Don't forget extra socks too, mine likes to kick his off randomly lol)
     - Pacifier and a toy (you never know when they'll come in handy)
     - Diaper rash cream (just in case)
     - Nipple cream (lanolin!), breast pads, and an extra shirt (again better safe than sorry!)
    - Burp rags or cloth diapers
    - A thin blanket or two
And there you go!  If I didn't include some thing on either list, please let me know, and feel free to ask any questions!

- Julie :)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Updated introductions!

Okay, so I may start posting again, since it's been almost 2 years since my last post I figured I needed to update my introduction!
I am going to be 23 years old next month, and I'm still living in middle-of-nowhere, Virginia but in a much bigger, better, and prettier house. I am still married to Justin who will also be 23 this year and we celebrated our 2 year anniversary in September. We have 3 small inside dogs (Chip, Baby, and one of their sons Rory) and 2 outside cats. This year started big for us as we welcomed our first child, an almost 9 lb baby boy, in the beginning of January! I'm out on maternity leave for another 4 weeks, I don't ever wanna go back though, I'd spend all my time with my precious boy if I could!

So, that's what's new with me, and if I can find the time, I'll start posting again soon with some things I find on Pinterest! If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let me know and I'll do my best!

- Julie :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Recipe 1 - Super-sized Meatballs!

Today marks the beginning of my "one meal post a day" (it'll have its labels as "OMPD" to keep them grouped together): I will be posting recipes for one meal (all lunch/dinner meals I believe) every day!

** Update- I obviously did not stick to the one meal per day thing lol **

Today's is Super-sized Meatballs and Spaghetti:


  • 1/4 c dry bread crumbs
  • 1/4 c milk
  • 1 & 1/2 lbs ground beef/pork/turkey
  • 1/2 small onion, minced
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic or 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley or 1 - 1 & 1/2 tsp parsley flakes
  • 1 tsp minced oregano or 1/4 - 1/2 tsp ground oregano
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp EVOO
  • 3 & 1/2 cups marinara sauce or your favorite spaghetti sauce
  • Cooked spaghetti
  • Shredded mozzarella or grated parmesan cheese


  1. In a small bowl, soak the bread crumbs in the milk.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the ground meat with the soaked bread crumbs, onion, garlic, parsley, oregano, egg, salt, and pepper and form into 4 balls.
  3. In a deep non-stick skillet, heat the oil and add the meatballs cook over medium-high heat until brown all over (about 7ish minutes). Add the marinara/spaghetti sauce to the skillet and lower heat. Simmer for about 30 minutes until meatballs are cooked thoroughly. 
  4. Serve over spaghetti and garnish with cheese; serve with a salad to make a full meal of it :)

Additional hints/ideas:

Got leftover meatballs? Slice 'em up and serve on a hoagie/sub bun with marinara and cheese for lunch the next day!

Let me know what you think!
'Til next time,
- Julie :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Easy DIY Ice Cream!

Have you ever really wanted ice cream and come to find out, you have none? And you know for a fact you're way to lazy too go out and get some from the store, either that or there's no store open that isn't a gas station (which only ever has the bars anyway). Well this post rescued me when I had one of those moments!
All you need is milk (that's what I used even though it calls for half-and-half), vanilla, sugar, ice, salt, and two zip bags (one gallon sized and one sandwich sized).
Put your ice in the bigger bag and pour some salt over it and set aside. Pour 1/2 cup milk (or half/half), 1 tsp of vanilla, and 1 tbsp of sugar into the little bag and squish it up to mix. Place your little bag in the big one and shake for 5 minutes. That's it!
It's a bit runnier/mushier than store bought but tastes just as good (if not better!). My husband didn't approve, said it wasn't bad, but wasn't sweet enough.
I think this would be a fun thing to do with kids, I may have to recruit my cousin (who's 6) to see if she'd like it!
Next time I might double it or add a little more sugar. I wonder if you could put some cocoa powder in it to get chocolate? If I try it, I'll let you know!
Try it and let me know what you think!

'Til next time,
- Julie :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oil-Cleansing - Part 2 AND DIY Yarn Pom-Poms!

This post is a bit delayed and I apologize! I also realized I spelled complexion as complection in last post, brain fart, oh well!
I tried the cleansing for 4 days total and my husband said he did notice a different in the acne looking a little better the first two mornings but after the 3rd, I noticed it getting worse. After the 4th, it was still bad and I got fed up and was tired from work so I skipped and day and thought I'd catch up the next day and forgot; I made up my mind to start again this past Tuesday night and forgot again. So, I may be starting tonight again, just to see if it helps.
A few days after I quit doing the cleansing, (TMI warning, it's relevant so I had to mention it, sorry!)I began my lady problems which had caused me to break out so I am blaming the worsening of my acne those two days on that.
Comment or email me your results if you've done the cleansing!

For a mini-post/addition so you have something new, I found a cool way to make yarn pom-poms! It's not really a new way because everyone on pinterest does it this way, but it definitely works!
Here's the link for the pics I attached and a good tutorial on how to do it. Downside? it's in Spanish. I don't have a good camara right now but hopefully will get it together soon and will be able to do my own.
First, you take your yarn and place the tip of your ball/skein between your first two fingers and wrap the yarn around and around, I did it about 45 times the first time but for thicker poms (which in my opinion are cuter) wrap more; experiment for the best way for you! 
Next, you cut the yarn and take a few inches long piece and thread it through the middle and tie off in the middle of the piece. Take the excess and tie it around the middle of the part left the double-tying I feel just secures it more. For larger or smaller poms, just use one or three+ fingers instead of two. Once tying it off, cut all the loops, trim it up, and fluff it! 

5 - after it is wrapped and tied off
6 - cutting the loops
7 - after the loops are cut, before it's trimmed
8 - finished product!
Also, what I did with the first one, turn it into a cute pom-pom bookmark by leaving an excess of the string you tied it off with!

'Til next time (which will definitely be sooner than two weeks, sorry for the gap!)
- Julie :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oil Cleansing - For Better Skin All Around!

All of my life I have had awful acne, cystic, blackheads, whitehead, etc. I have literally had some kind of acne since 3rd grade and I am now 21 years old; as you would expect, I'm pretty tired of it all. I've tried creams, antibiotics, proactiv, nutragena, clearasil, etc!
So when I found the oil cleansing idea, I was ecstatic! I did a little research and started using the one explained on this blog. I started this cleansing regimen on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 after work (it was technically the 17th cause it was after midnight, but it was my Tuesday night, so, yea). Anywho, next morning (my morning, it was like noon, I'm on late/overnight shifts lol) my husband said he noticed it clearing up a little and it is definitely not dry or oily any more, just soft and supple. I usually am oily in t-zone and dry everywhere else with acne all over, so it's a nice change!

According to the directions on the blog:
Buy cold-pressed castor oil (what I got was a $2.68 5oz bottle from walmart, it said "cold pressed" right on the label, found with the laxatives), it pulls out impurities, but be warned, if you're prone to facial hair this is probably not a good oil to go with because it will thicken and elongate hairs (supposedly), which is a good thing if you have thin eyebrows and eyelashes, just dab it along your lashes/brows. Also, buy 100% extra-virgin olive oil (what I bought was a $2 6oz bottle also from walmart with the cooking oils, make sure it does not say "tasting" on the front in small letters) it moisturizes your skin and keeps your glands from over-producing oils (which would cause more acne).
And that's it! Combine the two in the ratio best for your skin type:
For normal skin that you just want to make better, use a ratio of 1:1 (2 tbsp of each oil),
For oily/acne-prone skin, use a ratio of 3:1 Castor to EVOO (3 tbsp of castor oil and 1 tbsp of EVOO),
For dry skin, use a ratio of 1:3 Castor to EVOO (1 tbsp of castor oil and 3 tbsp of EVOO)
These amounts should last about two weeks.
After washing your hands, if wearing makeup, take a piece of a paper towel or cotton ball/pad and dab a drop or two of your oil mixture and just wipe of the foundation/eyeshadow/blush (for eye liner and mascara, use your best judgment, I would just use whatever cleaner you regularly use).
Get a washrag/wash cloth/whatever you call it. Turn on your hot water and right after you cut it on, take about a quarter size in the palm of your hand and massage it into your face. Wet the washrag with the hot water and ring out, let it cool down as much as you need to not burn yourself, but it needs to be able to cause a steam effect. Place on your face and keep it there until it has cooled completely. Once cooled, wipe off all oil off your face. (this part wasn't specified but I felt like it helped) you then rinse the rag out with as-hot-as-you-can-stand water, then apply the rag (the side you did not use to wipe the oil off previously) to your face once again, let sit until cool, then wipe off remaining oil. Let air dry or pat dry.
This blog says to do it at night, and that's what I do too, that way you can get your make up taken off at the end of the day too. If you exercise or shower in the mornings and feel like you need to, you can wash your face like normal and just dab the oil mixture (use very little) to keep your face moisturized and from over-producing oil after.
And that's it, just repeat every night! According to some comments on the blog I got this from it may get a little worse before it gets better, many antibiotics do this too; because it's pulling the impurities out, it will probably show a little more for a little bit, it's normal.
I will show before pictures and updates after a week and again the week after next and will post really early Wednesday morning, like 2am-ish, both weeks.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps both you and I!
- Julie :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Introductions Are Needed!

Hello world,
This is my brand new blog!
I am excited and I hope you are too :) I don't expect many followers, this is just something I've always wanted to try out. I will be posting recipes, crafts, and other things that I find from websites, Pinterest mainly, but other places too, along with how well or badly they work out for me. I will provide links to every blog/site I use!
I am a 21 year old newly-wed with fur-babies from very southern, very western Virginia. My family includes my husband Justin, also 21, our puppies (who are both quite grown) Grozzy, age 5 and Chippy, age 6 months, and our 2 year old grumpy kitty, named Baby Cat (don't judge, it's the only name that stuck!)
Feel free to ask me any questions, ask for any requests, and correct any grammar/spelling mistakes I have!
You can also follow me on Google+, Twitter @jkenn0922 and Pinterest /jkenn0922 and add me on Facebook /julie2010
Thanks for taking an interest and I hope you all enjoy everything,
- Julie :)

Justin and I